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9781460993460 English 1460993462 Issue 2 of Notes Magazine: It's a new year and we're off to an excellent start- if you can ignore those pesky deadlines,anyway!In this issue you will find plenty of 'new' to celebrate fresh starts. Spotlight Author Murvel Thornton cooks up some fascinating flash fiction, vivid poetics, and tells us all about his favorite swear word! AND we introduce to 2 brand-spankin'-new columns. In Slim Pickings, The Brothers Raconteur pen up a hilarious everyday-life column based on Slim Dyson, a'professional writer'. The catch? Slim is fictional ! Next, you'll find From the Hip, a creative nonfiction column comes to us from Chris Elliott as he lends his cynicism to the meaningful experience of recovery from alcoholism and the all-too-human journey of the spirit. But don't expect to shed too many tears there. Chris does rehab like the infamous Debbie once did Dallas--Hard and with a dry smile. You want more, you say?! Well, okay,fine! In addition to the usual buffet of awesome stories & poetry, issue 2 also offers excerpts from our 2010 winners & select finalist entries in the Discovering the Undiscovered fiction & CNF categories. All ON TOP of the always-awesome reviews, comics, and humor columns that are (or will someday be) the trademark of NOTES., PUBLISHED BY GRACE NOTES BOOKS Please visit for subscription information and for sales prices on Notes Magazine and all Grace Notes titles. Issue 2 of Notes Magazine: It's a new year and we're off to an excellent start- if you can ignore those pesky deadlines,anyway!In this issue you will find plenty of 'new' to celebrate fresh starts. Spotlight Author Murvel Thornton cooks up some fascinating flash fiction, vivid poetics, and tells us all about his favorite swear word! AND we introduce to 2 brand-spankin'-new columns. In Slim Pickings, The Brothers Raconteur pen up a hilarious everyday-life column based on Slim Dyson, a'professional writer'. The catch? Slim is fictional ! Next, you'll find From the Hip, a creative nonfiction column comes to us from Chris Elliott as he lends his cynicism to the meaningful experience of recovery from alcoholism and the all-too-human journey of the spirit. But don't expect to shed too many tears there. Chris does rehab like the infamous Debbie once did Dallas--Hard and with a dry smile. You want more, you say?! Well, okay,fine! In addition to the usual buffet of awesome stories & poetry, issue 2 also offers excerpts from our 2010 winners & select finalist entries in the Discovering the Undiscovered fiction & CNF categories. All ON TOP of the always-awesome reviews, comics, and humor columns that are (or will someday be) the trademark of NOTES., PUBLISHED BY GRACE NOTES BOOKS Shop direct from the publisher & save Please visit for sales prices ($2 off ) on any issue of Notes or save even more by becoming a subscriber Issue 2 of Notes Magazine: It's a new year and we're off to an excellent start- if you can ignore those pesky deadlines, anyway In this issue you will find plenty of 'new' to celebrate fresh starts. Spotlight Author Murvel Thornton cooks up some fascinating flash fiction, vivid poetics, and tells us all about his favorite swear word AND we introduce to 2 brand-spankin'-new columns. In Slim Pickings, The Brothers Raconteur pen up a hilarious everyday-life column based on Slim Dyson, a'professional writer'. The catch? Slim is fictional Next, you'll find From the Hip, a creative nonfiction column comes to us from Chris Elliott as he lends his cynicism to the meaningful experience of recovery from alcoholism and the all-too-human journey of the spirit. But don't expect to shed too many tears there. Chris does rehab like the infamous Debbie once did Dallas--Hard and with a dry smile. You want more, you say? Well, okay, fine In addition to the usual buffet of awesome stories & poetry, issue 2 also offers excerpts from our 2010 winners & select finalist entries in the Discovering the Undiscovered fiction & CNF categories. All ON TOP of the always-awesome reviews, comics, and humor columns that are (or will someday be) the trademark of NOTES., PUBLISHED BY GRACE NOTES BOOKSShop direct from the publisher & save! Please visit for sales prices ($2 off!) on any issue of Notes or save even more by becoming a subscriber!Issue 2 of Notes Magazine: It's a new year and we're off to an excellent start- if you can ignore those pesky deadlines,anyway!In this issue you will find plenty of 'new' to celebrate fresh starts. Spotlight Author Murvel Thornton cooks up some fascinating flash fiction, vivid poetics, and tells us all about his favorite swear word! AND we introduce to 2 brand-spankin'-new columns. In Slim Pickings, The Brothers Raconteur pen up a hilarious everyday-life column based on Slim Dyson, a'professional writer'. The catch? Slim is fictional ! Next, you'll find From the Hip, a creative nonfiction column comes to us from Chris Elliott as he lends his cynicism to the meaningful experience of recovery from alcoholism and the all-too-human journey of the spirit. But don't expect to shed too many tears there. Chris does rehab like the infamous Debbie once did Dallas--Hard and with a dry smile. You want more, you say?! Well, okay,fine! In addition to the usual buffet of awesome stories & poetry, issue 2 also offers excerpts from our 2010 winners & select finalist entries in the Discovering the Undiscovered fiction & CNF categories. All ON TOP of the always-awesome reviews, comics, and humor columns that are (or will someday be) the trademark of NOTES.
9781460993460 English 1460993462 Issue 2 of Notes Magazine: It's a new year and we're off to an excellent start- if you can ignore those pesky deadlines,anyway!In this issue you will find plenty of 'new' to celebrate fresh starts. Spotlight Author Murvel Thornton cooks up some fascinating flash fiction, vivid poetics, and tells us all about his favorite swear word! AND we introduce to 2 brand-spankin'-new columns. In Slim Pickings, The Brothers Raconteur pen up a hilarious everyday-life column based on Slim Dyson, a'professional writer'. The catch? Slim is fictional ! Next, you'll find From the Hip, a creative nonfiction column comes to us from Chris Elliott as he lends his cynicism to the meaningful experience of recovery from alcoholism and the all-too-human journey of the spirit. But don't expect to shed too many tears there. Chris does rehab like the infamous Debbie once did Dallas--Hard and with a dry smile. You want more, you say?! Well, okay,fine! In addition to the usual buffet of awesome stories & poetry, issue 2 also offers excerpts from our 2010 winners & select finalist entries in the Discovering the Undiscovered fiction & CNF categories. All ON TOP of the always-awesome reviews, comics, and humor columns that are (or will someday be) the trademark of NOTES., PUBLISHED BY GRACE NOTES BOOKS Please visit for subscription information and for sales prices on Notes Magazine and all Grace Notes titles. Issue 2 of Notes Magazine: It's a new year and we're off to an excellent start- if you can ignore those pesky deadlines,anyway!In this issue you will find plenty of 'new' to celebrate fresh starts. Spotlight Author Murvel Thornton cooks up some fascinating flash fiction, vivid poetics, and tells us all about his favorite swear word! AND we introduce to 2 brand-spankin'-new columns. In Slim Pickings, The Brothers Raconteur pen up a hilarious everyday-life column based on Slim Dyson, a'professional writer'. The catch? Slim is fictional ! Next, you'll find From the Hip, a creative nonfiction column comes to us from Chris Elliott as he lends his cynicism to the meaningful experience of recovery from alcoholism and the all-too-human journey of the spirit. But don't expect to shed too many tears there. Chris does rehab like the infamous Debbie once did Dallas--Hard and with a dry smile. You want more, you say?! Well, okay,fine! In addition to the usual buffet of awesome stories & poetry, issue 2 also offers excerpts from our 2010 winners & select finalist entries in the Discovering the Undiscovered fiction & CNF categories. All ON TOP of the always-awesome reviews, comics, and humor columns that are (or will someday be) the trademark of NOTES., PUBLISHED BY GRACE NOTES BOOKS Shop direct from the publisher & save Please visit for sales prices ($2 off ) on any issue of Notes or save even more by becoming a subscriber Issue 2 of Notes Magazine: It's a new year and we're off to an excellent start- if you can ignore those pesky deadlines, anyway In this issue you will find plenty of 'new' to celebrate fresh starts. Spotlight Author Murvel Thornton cooks up some fascinating flash fiction, vivid poetics, and tells us all about his favorite swear word AND we introduce to 2 brand-spankin'-new columns. In Slim Pickings, The Brothers Raconteur pen up a hilarious everyday-life column based on Slim Dyson, a'professional writer'. The catch? Slim is fictional Next, you'll find From the Hip, a creative nonfiction column comes to us from Chris Elliott as he lends his cynicism to the meaningful experience of recovery from alcoholism and the all-too-human journey of the spirit. But don't expect to shed too many tears there. Chris does rehab like the infamous Debbie once did Dallas--Hard and with a dry smile. You want more, you say? Well, okay, fine In addition to the usual buffet of awesome stories & poetry, issue 2 also offers excerpts from our 2010 winners & select finalist entries in the Discovering the Undiscovered fiction & CNF categories. All ON TOP of the always-awesome reviews, comics, and humor columns that are (or will someday be) the trademark of NOTES., PUBLISHED BY GRACE NOTES BOOKSShop direct from the publisher & save! Please visit for sales prices ($2 off!) on any issue of Notes or save even more by becoming a subscriber!Issue 2 of Notes Magazine: It's a new year and we're off to an excellent start- if you can ignore those pesky deadlines,anyway!In this issue you will find plenty of 'new' to celebrate fresh starts. Spotlight Author Murvel Thornton cooks up some fascinating flash fiction, vivid poetics, and tells us all about his favorite swear word! AND we introduce to 2 brand-spankin'-new columns. In Slim Pickings, The Brothers Raconteur pen up a hilarious everyday-life column based on Slim Dyson, a'professional writer'. The catch? Slim is fictional ! Next, you'll find From the Hip, a creative nonfiction column comes to us from Chris Elliott as he lends his cynicism to the meaningful experience of recovery from alcoholism and the all-too-human journey of the spirit. But don't expect to shed too many tears there. Chris does rehab like the infamous Debbie once did Dallas--Hard and with a dry smile. You want more, you say?! Well, okay,fine! In addition to the usual buffet of awesome stories & poetry, issue 2 also offers excerpts from our 2010 winners & select finalist entries in the Discovering the Undiscovered fiction & CNF categories. All ON TOP of the always-awesome reviews, comics, and humor columns that are (or will someday be) the trademark of NOTES.