Download ebook F. R. Ankersmit - Cultural Memory in the Present: Historical Representation in DOC, EPUB, TXT
9780804739795 080473979X The writing of history aims to satisfy the demands of rational and scientific inquiry, but also has a literary and aesthetic aspect. This book aims to identify and to explore the juste milieu between the extravagances of the literary approach to historical writing and the narrowmindedness of empiricists. It argues that the traditional semantic apparatus of meaning, truth, and reference must be redefined if we are to understand properly the nature of historical writing. The author shows that historical representation is essentially aesthetic, though its adequacy can be discussed rationally. He defines the criteria for representational adequacy, and examines the relationship between these criteria and value judgments. He also investigates the historicist conception of historical writing and the notions of identity and narrativity. This investigation takes place against the backdrop of the ideas of four contemporary historical theorists: Erich Auerbach, Arthur Danto, Hayden White, and Jorn Rusen., This Introductory, Comprehensive Text Of Audio Practices Is For Both Production And Post-Production Sound. It Emphasizes The Importance Of Recording The Sound Properly On The Set And Also Explains The Post-Production Audio Process As A Creative Collaboration That Enhances The Story And Is Not Merely A "Fix" For Various Audio Problems. This Book Guides Readers Through A Series Of Exercises To Better Understand The Relationships Between The Gear And Practices Required For Optimal Recordings And Mixes. Rather Than Merely Explain The Concepts Of Sound Wave Propagation, The Electronics Of How Sound Is Recorded, Or The Acoustics Of Sound Reverberation In Spaces, These Exercises Are Designed To Demonstrate And Reinforce These Crucial Ideas. This Systematic Approach From Simple Recording Through Sound Editing And Mixing Gives Aspiring Sound Technicians Valuable Hands/Ears-On Experience So They Can Achieve The Same Professional Quality As Those Working In The Industry, This book fully recognizes the aestheticism inherent in historical writing while acknowledging its claim to satisfy the demands of rational and scientific inquiry. Focusing on the notion of representation and on the necessity of distinguishing between representation and description, it argues that the traditional semantic apparatus of meaning, truth, and reference that we use for description must be redefined if we are to understand properly the nature of historical writing. The author shows that historical representation is essentially aesthetic, though its adequacy can be discussed rationally. He defines the criteria for representational adequacy, and examines the relationship between these criteria and value judgments. He also investigates the historicist conception of historical writing and the notions of identity and narrativity. This investigation takes place against the backdrop of the ideas of four of the most influential contemporary historical theorists: Erich Auerbach, Arthur Danto, Hayden White, and Jorn Rusen. The book aims to identify and to explore for historical theory thejuste milieubetween the extravagances of the literary approach to historical writing and the narrow-mindedness of empiricists. The search for thisjuste milieuleads to a rationalist aesthetics of historical writing, a position that repeats both the aesthetic dimension of all historical writing and the criteria defining the rationality of the discipline of history.
9780804739795 080473979X The writing of history aims to satisfy the demands of rational and scientific inquiry, but also has a literary and aesthetic aspect. This book aims to identify and to explore the juste milieu between the extravagances of the literary approach to historical writing and the narrowmindedness of empiricists. It argues that the traditional semantic apparatus of meaning, truth, and reference must be redefined if we are to understand properly the nature of historical writing. The author shows that historical representation is essentially aesthetic, though its adequacy can be discussed rationally. He defines the criteria for representational adequacy, and examines the relationship between these criteria and value judgments. He also investigates the historicist conception of historical writing and the notions of identity and narrativity. This investigation takes place against the backdrop of the ideas of four contemporary historical theorists: Erich Auerbach, Arthur Danto, Hayden White, and Jorn Rusen., This Introductory, Comprehensive Text Of Audio Practices Is For Both Production And Post-Production Sound. It Emphasizes The Importance Of Recording The Sound Properly On The Set And Also Explains The Post-Production Audio Process As A Creative Collaboration That Enhances The Story And Is Not Merely A "Fix" For Various Audio Problems. This Book Guides Readers Through A Series Of Exercises To Better Understand The Relationships Between The Gear And Practices Required For Optimal Recordings And Mixes. Rather Than Merely Explain The Concepts Of Sound Wave Propagation, The Electronics Of How Sound Is Recorded, Or The Acoustics Of Sound Reverberation In Spaces, These Exercises Are Designed To Demonstrate And Reinforce These Crucial Ideas. This Systematic Approach From Simple Recording Through Sound Editing And Mixing Gives Aspiring Sound Technicians Valuable Hands/Ears-On Experience So They Can Achieve The Same Professional Quality As Those Working In The Industry, This book fully recognizes the aestheticism inherent in historical writing while acknowledging its claim to satisfy the demands of rational and scientific inquiry. Focusing on the notion of representation and on the necessity of distinguishing between representation and description, it argues that the traditional semantic apparatus of meaning, truth, and reference that we use for description must be redefined if we are to understand properly the nature of historical writing. The author shows that historical representation is essentially aesthetic, though its adequacy can be discussed rationally. He defines the criteria for representational adequacy, and examines the relationship between these criteria and value judgments. He also investigates the historicist conception of historical writing and the notions of identity and narrativity. This investigation takes place against the backdrop of the ideas of four of the most influential contemporary historical theorists: Erich Auerbach, Arthur Danto, Hayden White, and Jorn Rusen. The book aims to identify and to explore for historical theory thejuste milieubetween the extravagances of the literary approach to historical writing and the narrow-mindedness of empiricists. The search for thisjuste milieuleads to a rationalist aesthetics of historical writing, a position that repeats both the aesthetic dimension of all historical writing and the criteria defining the rationality of the discipline of history.